Firexo is now stocked on Amazon – a significant step in the fight against devastating fires

Firexo is now stocked on Amazon – a significant step in the fight against devastating fires


Firexo is now widely available to everyone across the UK to easily and quickly purchase from Amazon – marking a significant step in the fight against the devastating effects of fire.

Firexo is the only solution able to extinguish all classes of fire (A, B, C, D, E & F); electrical, fuel, gas, oil, metals, and solid combustible material fires can all be put out with our liquid – eliminating the confusion of which fire extinguisher to use on different types of fire and giving users the confidence to tackle a fire before it becomes unmanageable.

Research commissioned by Firexo has found that 67% of UK adults do not have an extinguisher at home and 81% do not have one in their car, leaving them with no instant means of defending themselves and their property. To make matters worse, only four in 10 (38%) UK adults claim to know the correct fire extinguisher to use on each class of fire, which could have potentially devastating consequences if used incorrectly.

Firexo eliminates this confusion however, as it’s suitable for use on all fires, and our partnership with Amazon means our innovative product can now easily be purchased by anyone.

Our 2, 6 and 9 litre sizes – as well as our compact and portable sachet solutions – are all now stocked. Businesses can also purchase from Amazon direct, and if you need a service provider to then check and maintain the equipment we can put you in touch with a local partner.

Firexo puts out fires quicker than traditional extinguishers. In testing, nine litres of the liquid put out a car fire in just 53 seconds, compared with conventional methods that can take from 45 minutes to an hour, and use approximately 1,800 litres of water.

It is environmentally friendly – the non-toxic liquid is made from natural ingredients and is biodegradable, with a PH of 7. It cools materials to a temperature that can be handled quickly and requires small volumes to extinguish a fire.

Firexo is committed to protecting lives by providing a more efficient and safer method to extinguishing any type of fire, anywhere.

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